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Annual Garden Party Saturday and Sunday! 2014

Garden Party was a great success: absolutely beautiful day, lots of friends and neighbors, and beautiful plants. Thanks for joining us! It looks like we may break with recent tradition and have sunshine for Garden Party on Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13., but rain or shine the fun goes on! We have two really great seminars planned: interesting, timely, and very useful information. The details and sign-up are below. The Beaver Creek Wetlands Association will be here on Saturday grilling the first hotdogs of spring and dishing up BBQ beef sandwiches: all sales go to their good projects, courtesy of Knollwood. And talk about deals! We've been stocking up in every department to get your spring gardening started:
Saturday and Sunday, enjoy 20% Off of the following:
- Quart-size Perennials*
- All Nursery Trees
- Tropical Foliage Houseplants
- Statuary and Fountains
- Grass Seed
- Fire Pots
As well as a great selection of nursery stock in 1 gallon containers for only $12.99, including azaleas, evergreens, hydrangeas, barberries and many more; and flats of pansies for just $14.99(reg. $18.99).
So come on in, get your gardening gloves ready, and start earning your new Garden Rewards: it's going to be a great year!
* PS: The quart-size perennials sale of 20% Off will begin early on Thursday, April 10 and run through Wednesday, April 16.