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Contest: Win A Trophy! (Trophytaker Daylily, That Is!)

Contest Is Over: Thanks For Participating! First of all, Trophytaker Daylilies are here(!) and that is worth celebrating. From the thousands and thousands of cultivars of daylilies, this collection is selected using an extensive criteria to ensure they are the best of the best: consistently beautiful blooms, healthy, hardy plants,...even the aging foliage must look good in the fall! 'Mean Mr. Mustard' is one of the newest, hottest additions to the collection, and in celebration, we are giving away
a 'Mean Mr. Mustard' Trophytaker daylily ($32.99 value) to one lucky reader! All you have to do is leave a comment right below this article: tell us what your favorite new garden addition is. A special fountain? An unusual hosta? A brilliant combination in your container gardens? The kid next door who is mowing your lawn this year? The winner will be chosen randomly from all entries submitted by end of business on Wednesday, June 4, 2008. One entry per person, and you must provide your email address to be notified if you are the winner. (Emails are not visible to the public.) Prize must be picked up at Knollwood Garden Center...sorry, we can not ship or deliver!