Blog Entries - Sep. 2007

Are You A Winner? 2007
Update: 10/8/2007 The contest is completed: Congratulations to Robin and Rand! Your comments were randomly selected to receive the $50 gift cards...just print out the email you receive and bring it in to claim your

Divide And Prosper!
One of our favorite magazines is Fine Gardening (Taunton Press publication). We love their garden design ideas, helpful tips, and plant suggestions by region of the country. At one of our recent seminars, we

Fall Lawn Care
The heat of the summer is past (knock on wood), and now that you are feeling rejuvenated by the turning of the seasons, it is time to share that feeling with your lawn. A little care now will mean a healthier, happier,

Free Seminar: Caught Up In Containers
Container gardening is popping up all over, and no wonder: with flexibility, ease of maintenance, and creativity all in one, it is the answer to many garden situations. Transitioning from season to season is easy