Blog Entries - Jun. 2008
Welcome ANLA
Today, we are proud to welcome 180+ members of the American Landscape and Nursery Association. As they spend the next few days in Ohio, they will tour many garden centers, nurseries, and other outstanding retailers. In
Perennial and Shrub Coupon 2008
It's National Perennial Gardening Month, also known as June! The weather is perfect for planting, and fresh perennials and shrubs at their summer best are just arriving. To celebrate this event, and to encourage you to
Being Neighborly
This week in the Dayton Daily News Neighbors section, Gerald Mahan of the Greene County Extension Office offers some timely reminders about common garden tasks and decisions that, if not considered, can make your (and
We Have A Winner!
The contest is over, and we have a winner: Congratulations, Shannon! We have had so much fun reading everyone's answers to our question, "What is your favorite new addition to your garden this