Blog Entries - Apr. 2014

"The Garden Classic" Geranium Sale
Classic, sun-loving, easy care geraniums will always be a favorite! Thursday-Wednesday, May 1-7, 4 1/2" standard geraniums will be just $3.99: that's a savings of $1.00 each (reg. $4.99). So fill up

Extended Spring Hours
Now that spring has finally arrived we know you are anxious to get gardening! We are now open Monday-Saturday 9:00-8:00, and Sunday 10:00-6:00. See you

Great Begonia and Impatien Sale 2014
It's time again for our annual Begonia and Impatien Flat Sale! April 24-27, Thursday-Sunday, four days only, all flats of standard impatiens and wax begonias are just $12.99 (reg. $18.99).

Easter Flowers 2014
Celebrate spring with beautiful Easter baskets, blooming bulbs, colorful begonias, gift hydrangeas and azaleas: perfect as gifts or to decorate your home and table. Unique combinations will bring spring

Annual Garden Party Saturday and Sunday! 2014
Garden Party was a great success: absolutely beautiful day, lots of friends and neighbors, and beautiful plants. Thanks for joining us! It looks like we may break with recent tradition and have sunshine for Garden