Blog Entries - Jul. 2014

Summer Landscape Impovement Sale
If you're ready to take advantage of this mild summer, we can help: All Nursery Trees and Shrubs Mix and Match 3 or More for 20% Off and Magnolias and Willows 30% Off Through the end of

Miami Valley Water Garden Tour
The Miami Valley Water Garden Society is holding their 2014 Public Pond Tour on July 26 and 27, 2014. The tour is self-guided through beautiful water gardens in Centerville, Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Middletown, New

Survey: What Do You Want To See?
We are making plans for our 2014 fall seminars and workshops now, and we need your ideas! We've set up this one page/two question poll to gather your suggestions...take a moment to pick your favorites and add your
Happy July 4th Everyone!
The holiday weekend is fast approaching, the weather looks good, so make your patio plans now for a celebration! Whether you are entertaining a crowd of family and friends, or kicking back for a relaxing break