
Featured Bulb: Begonias

March 24, 2009  |  bulbs
Yellow, orange, and red Begonias

In the dappled shade, they glow like brilliant, juicy fruits, rich and lush. Fanciful flower forms and intriguing foliage offer a feeling of abundance, filling the shadows with vivacious blooms in a myriad of colors. Begonias are easy and rewarding to grow. The cup-shaped tubers readily grow in containers or in the garden beds. For planting and growing instructions, please

Start them early indoors and place outside after danger of frost in mid-May, or wait and plant directly in the ground. Plant tubers with the cupped side up, 2" deep. Begonia Tuber Three to four tubers will make a full hanging basket; in the ground plant 10-18” apart. Lift from the ground and store for the winter, or simply bring your containers inside to enjoy for the winter. Begonias prefer light, dappled shade; well-drained acid to neutral garden soil, or quality potting soil; and water and fertilizer throughout their active growing season. Start now and you can enjoy their blooms from early summer through frost.