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Happy Hummingbirds

The hummingbirds are coming, and may already be here! They are in the process of migrating northwards for the summer, so get your feeders ready for those passing through to Northern climes, and they will be ready for those that spend their summers in Ohio. They are a joy to watch: see if you can catch them perching in between meals at the end of a bare branch. If you sit still outdoors near the feeders wearing bright colors, hummers will often fly right up to you! For a list of plants that attract and feed hummingbirds, click here. For tips on feeding and nectar-making instructions
Hummingbirds feed repeatedly throughout the day and consume up to two-thirds of their body weight each day. Pre-made nectar is a handy way to keep your feeders full and is inexpensive. Homemade nectar is easily made by boiling 1 part sugar and 4 parts water for two minutes. Do not boil longer, or it will be over-concentrated. Cool, and then fill your feeders; store extra nectar in the refrigerator for up to a week. The nectar in your feeder should be changed every three to four days; empty the feeder and clean with very hot water and a bottle brush, no soap please! You should not add red food coloring to your nectar: let the colors of your feeder and surrounding flowers attract the birds. No flowers? Tie pieces of bright red or orange ribbon nearby to catch their attention! Hanging several feeders near to each other can help prevent the territorial fighting of males, so you can enjoy multiple birds all summer long.