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Our Annual Garden Party! 2015
Join us in a celebration of the gardening season: Garden Party Saturday and Sunday, April 11 and 12
Two Days Only: Enjoy 20% Off Quart-Size Perennials, Trees, Houseplants, Bird Baths and Statuary, Grass Seed, and more...
Saturday, 10:00 Totally Tomatoes
The most popular garden crop we sell is often the “gateway” to gardening for many people. Novice or seasoned veteran, there are still lots of questions, suggestions, and varieties to explore. Join Rich Pearson from Cox Arboretum for all the best tips and tricks for your best crop yet!
Sunday, 12:00 New and New-To-You Perennials and Native Trees
Nature is nothing if not cyclical, and that includes the fashions! Pat Greeson from Natorp. Growers in Cincinnati, presents a Powerpoint show featuring the newest introductions to watch for, some old favorites that haven’t been seen in awhile but have a lot to offer, and a selection of native trees, ideally suited for our areas soils and conditions. You’re sure to find something to enhance your landscape!