
So Long Summer Sale

August 23, 2012
Green sale image

In the spirit of Fresh for Fall, we are celebrating with specials in every department! Mulching season is around the corner and 2 cu. ft. bags of Cypress Mulch are just $3.79 (reg. $4.99)! The perfect season for planting trees and shrubs is the perfect season to buy them, too: Specially marked, selected Trees and Shrubs 50%, $5, $10, or $15! Perennials are a great buy, too: All Hosta 50% Off, All Quart-size Perennials are only $2, and many Selected Gallon-size Perennials are marked $5! We have a wide selection of garden decor and seasonal gifts marked at least 50% off...perfecting for stocking up your holiday gift closet or saving for next season! Hurry...while supplies last on all of these great deals.