
Thanks For Noticing!

October 11, 2007  |  about the blog
Garden pathway

Wow! We are thrilled about how many of you have visited our new website and left comments on our various topics! It seems that a lot of us are having challenges gardening in the shade-good to know. Look for more articles and links in the upcoming weeks to help you plan for this dilemma: how to get color and variety in a shady area. Your comments about our seminar series are very welcome. We DO enjoy doing them, and as John said in his response, it appears some topics are timeless and we'll be sure to keep addressing them. A note: Each topic in the blog is open for comments for two weeks from the date of it's posting. We think this will allow us to keep up with our replies, and you will still be able to read the comments and replies, well, forever. As topics "age", they move to the archives where you can find articles by date or topic of interest from the past. Keep sending feedback and helps us all!