
World's First Seedless Tomato!

March 30, 2009  |  vegetables
Seedless tomato

This is truly an exciting introduction: a virtually seedless tomato! We don't think we can describe it any better than this excerpt from Burpee themselves: "We’ve come to appreciate seedless watermelons and virtually seedless cucumbers – now the world’s first seedless tomato! Beyond the lack of seeds to digest, this tomato is first rate for taste. In fact, precisely because there are no seeds to store the sugars for later use, all the sweetness is immediately available for you to enjoy in every rich slice. This is a totally new tomato on every level

– the perfect balance of flavor and sweetness, meat and gel, solid firmness and juiciness. And to top it off, the indeterminate plants have a full package of disease resistance to ensure plenty of healthy yields. Medium size, 8-10 oz fruits. 68 Days." We have a limited number of packs of these new seeds available: stop in if you want to give them a try. Because quantities are limited in this first season, packs of 10 seeds are $4.95. Only available as seeds. Update 5/20/09: We now have a limited number of plants available in 2-packs for just $1.99!