Gardening Tips and Plant Care Blog

Blog Entries - 2023

A bee next to a sunflower

Your Guide to Planting a Garden Perfect for Pollinators

June 5, 2023  |  Garden, Pollinators, Tiny Creatures

The plant world is powered by pollinators.  

Birds, bees, butterflies, and other insects all play a vital role in helping the plants that make up our ecosystem reproduce and flourish. Unfortunately, pesticides and invasive species threaten many of the natural pollinators who create the lush natural gardens that thrive in our Ohio home.  

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Purple, pink, and yellow flowers

Kickstart Your Growing Season with These Plants

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. If you want a blooming vibrant garden, then the time to kickstart the growing season is now! 


Every flower garden will be different, but many of the common staples will appear in almost every Ohio garden.  

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A bee on a pink flower

Beneficial Insects: How These Tiny Creatures Can Transform Your Garden

April 3, 2023  |  garden, summer season, tiny creatures

Your garden is bursting with life! 

Blooming flowers, wriggling worms, and ripening vegetables are all signs of a healthy thriving garden.  

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Gardening tools and plants

Get a Head Start on Your Spring Garden with These Five Tips

Spring is right around the corner and that means it is time to jump headfirst into the gardening season.  


Now is the perfect time to start planning your garden, so you can take full advantage of the growing season.  

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Indoor pink flowering plant

The Best Flowering Plants That Bring Spring Indoors

February 6, 2023  |  Blooming Flowers, Indoor Plants, Spring Season

No matter how cold it is, winter has a beauty all its own. Pillowy white snowflakes, crisp, clear mornings, and sleepy evenings spent by a roaring fire are all staples of winter wellness.  

However, one thing we miss during winter is bright and blooming flowers.  

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Several houseplants on stands in front of a window

Houseplants to the Rescue - Beat the Winter Blahs

January 2, 2023  |  Benefits of Houseplants, Houseplants, Winter

Has winter got you down? Are you feeling a little gray and sludgy? These are all symptoms of gardening withdrawal – or as we call them, the blahs!

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