Five Ways Gardening Can Improve Your Health
Five Ways Gardening Can Improve Your Health
There are many similarities between your body and a garden. Most prominently, they both need regular care and maintenance to stay healthy.
However, when most people think of gardening, they don’t often consider it as a way to improve their health. They think of gardening as a chore. Because of this, they miss out on one of the best aspects of gardening, the fun of growing a budding network of plants.
Beyond being an enjoyable hobby for people of all ages, gardening helps keep your body and mind working properly.
In this post, we will go over five health benefits you get from regular home gardening.
How Can Gardening Improve my Health?
Most people don’t think of gardening as a physical or mental challenge. Instead, they often see it as a way for those of advanced age to spend their retirement.
This is simply untrue, gardening is an excellent activity for people of all ages, and you can scale the difficulty level to make gardening as leisurely or as challenging as you please.
Below are five health benefits of regular gardening.
Gardening Helps You Stay in Shape
Most people don't consider gardening a labor-intensive activity. But the truth is during the average gardening session, your body burns 330 calories per hour. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gardening burns far more calories than walking at a brisk pace in the same period.
Not only that, but those who participated in community gardening programs had significantly lower body-mass indexes than those who did not, according to a 2013 study in the American Journal of Public Health.
You Eat Healthier When You Grow Your Own Food
It is recommended that every adult eat two cups of vegetables and one and a half cups of fruit every day. However, the startling reality is that only one out of every ten Americans meets this goal.
One of the best ways to improve your fruit and veggie intake is by growing them yourself. Fresh, home-grown fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and nutrients, and you can be sure that they are never sprayed with harmful chemicals or pesticides.
Gardening Helps Build Self-Esteem
Nothing improves our image of ourselves quite like setting and then accomplishing a goal. When you spend time tilling, planting, nurturing, and harvesting your garden you gain a new set of skills.
By the time you enjoy the fruits, (veggies, and flowers) of your labor you will have a better image of yourself.
Gardening Reduces Stress
Gardening helps you lower your blood pressure, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and provides a rush of endorphins.
Not only does gardening provide a reliable source of exercise, but it also gives you a hobby to focus on, and lets you get your mind off the stressors in your life.
Gain Muscle Mass with Regular Gardening
Gain more muscle mass without having to hit the gym. After a few sessions of regular gardening, you will notice an improvement in the strength and size of the muscles of your arms.
All the weed pulling, soil tilling, and seed planting you will do will provide you with an arm workout without you even knowing it.
Healthy Garden, Healthy Body
Gardening is one of the best ways to improve your health, both physically and mentally.
Burn calories, gain muscle and improve your self-image with regular gardening. It also doesn’t hurt that your garden will improve the beauty of your yard.
Don’t think of gardening as a chore. There is so much that you can learn, do, and accomplish!
The best place to get started is Knollwood Garden Center in Beavercreek. We offer everything from gear and supplies to seeds and décor.
When you are ready to get serious about your garden, stop by Knollwood Garden Center.