Planning Ahead 2016

Planning Ahead 2016

January 25, 2016

Well, the weather outside's not frightful, so lets get started on something delightful!  There's no reason not to start planning your landscape projects now, and our designer Pat Flanagan and his crew are ready to go any time the weather allows.  Thinking of a new facelift out front, or amping up the plantings around your deck or patio, or just a refresh around your mailbox or entry?  Let's start the design process now.   Want to do the planting yourself?  Let us do the muddy work now so your new beds are ready to go!  It's never too early to book your spring maintenance, either: edging, mulching, bed cleaning, and trimming. 

Whatever you have in mind, give Pat a call to get the process started and be first on the list to get your work done come Spring.  Call Pat at 937-426-0861 or email