Gardening Tips and Plant Care Blog
Blog Entries - summer season
Flowers You Can Plant in July and Grow Through Fall
Mid-summer may already be here, but that doesn't mean you can't add to (or start) your garden. There are plenty of beautiful flowers that don't bloom until July, August, or later, meaning now is the perfect time to make some last-minute changes.
Watering Your Plants in the Summer
Summer is here, and there is no better time than now to sit in your backyard and enjoy your hard work.
Watering plants in the summer heat can be a challenging task, as the peak-heat temperatures and increased evaporation rate can quickly dry out the soil. It is crucial to provide the right amount of water to plants to ensure their optimal growth, health, and survival during this time.
These Five Secrets Will Make Your Garden Plants Thrive This Summer
It’s summer. The sun is shining, the soil is warm, and a slight breeze is tussling your hair. Everything is perfect. Well, not everything. That new plant you bought in spring, the one that once filled you with joy and excitement, is now dwindling into a dry, brown mess.
What happened? You took care of your new plant the same as all the others, but this new plant is dying where the others thrive.
Beneficial Insects: How These Tiny Creatures Can Transform Your Garden
Your garden is bursting with life!
Blooming flowers, wriggling worms, and ripening vegetables are all signs of a healthy thriving garden.